Gerard butler phantom of the opera fan art
Gerard butler phantom of the opera fan art

gerard butler phantom of the opera fan art

Generally speaking, studios release their superhero blockbusters and franchise tentpoles in summer and award season fodder in November and December.

gerard butler phantom of the opera fan art

I tried to find a movie celebrating a milestone anniversary this month, but it was impossible. The Phantom of the Opera hit theaters in December, but because it went into wide release in January, and for other reasons that I’ll get into shortly, I’m writing about it now. But this month’s piece is a slight departure from that formula, a broader discussion pegged to the movie The Phantom of the Opera. Loyal: as you are no doubt aware, having pored over each and every inch of my columns with Robert Mueller–like fastidiousness, Rearview Mirror is a monthly feature in which I revisit a movie that premiered in theaters exactly ten, fifteen, or twenty years ago, comparing my initial reaction as a passive movie consumer to my current critical, analytical understanding. Welcome to Rearview Mirror, a monthly movie column in which I re-view and then re-review a movie I have already seen under the new (and improved?) critical lens of 2020.

Gerard butler phantom of the opera fan art